What is a noun and what are its kinds?

 Noun and its kinds: 

What is a noun and what are its kinds?


Every naming word is called a noun


Every English word that stands to function as noun in a sentence, is called a noun.


             Aslam, boy, cat, school, girl, etc

Kinds of noun:

Common Nouns
Proper nouns
Abstract nouns
Concrete nouns
Countable nouns
Uncountable nouns
Collective nouns
Compound nouns

Common noun:
A kind of noun that refers to things, peoples, or places in general. 

boy, mobile, girl, city, etc

Proper noun:
It is the exact opposite of a common noun and is always used for something specific. 

Aslam, peshawer, Pakistan, India, etc

Abstract noun: 
A name for something that has no physical exsistence, and can't even be seen but can be felt 100%.
It generally refers to three things which are quality, state of being, and emotions.

   State of being:   ill, happy, sad, etc 
     Quality:   honesty, loyalty, bravery, etc
     Emotions:   pain, love, hate, etc

Concrete noun: 
It is the exact opposite of concrete noun and can be seen 100%. All the things that we see with our eyes are concrete nouns.

table, pan, mobile, car, stone, etc

Countable noun
A name for something that can be counted, is called countable noun. There is always a plural form of a countable noun.

Pen -------> its plural (Pens)
Mobile -------> its plural (Mobiles)
Watch --------> its plural (Watches)

Uncountable noun: 
A name for something that can never be counted and has no plural form either.

Water ( We can't say "Waters" )
Rice  ( We can't say "Rices" )

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